نوال السعداوي [Nawal El-Saadawi]: مفكرة طفلة الخامس والثمانين [Mufakirat tiflat alkhamis wa althamanyin= Notebook of a girl of eighty-five years]
ISBN: 9789775366146
Delemont, Edition Roznameh. 2017. (2)+213 pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. Crease in the front wrapper and a coffee stain on the fore-edge. Author’s dedication to Swedish politician Per Gahrton: “To my friend Per / Nawal” on the fly leaf and with Gahrton’s pencil notes (in Swedish) throughout, mostly translations of Arabic words and expressions but also short summaries and personal commentaries. In Arabic.
Genre: Mellanöstern & Nordafrika
Genre: Mellanöstern & Nordafrika
Pris: 550 kr
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If you have any questions concerning this book, please send a message to: eoantikvariat@gmail.com, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.